Harris Andrews Development Program

The Aspley Hornets Junior Football Club are proud to announce the Harris Andrews Development Program to our community in 2024.
With the support of Harris Andrews and Super Butcher, the Harris Andrews Development Program (HADP) is a program that is designed to assist aspirational and talented footballers within the club achieve their highest potential through a structured and professionally delivered program.
The HADP will focus on developing players core skills as well as introduce players to fitness programs, nutrition, coaching techniques, sports science, sports psychology and connect our youth players with our senior programs.
This program will be available to girls and boys aged 11 through to 17 with the aim of developing future QAFL and QAFLW players for our club.
Player Requirements:
Promote the Aspley Hornets values at all times; Respect, Integrity, Pride and Accountability.
Attend monthly training sessions, 5pm-6:30pm.
Listen, learn and ask questions.
Complete Strength & Conditioning programs outside of normal training sessions when possible.
Be a leader in the Hornets community.
Assist the Aspley Hornets Football Club outside of the program.